Our Ministries
Call Committee
The Zion Call Committee has been assembled to support Zion's journey through the call process, providing support and welcoming fellowship to any and all pastoral candidates who are considering making Zion their new home. The Call Committee includes Wes Barrett (Lead), Bob Birdsall, RoseMarie Unger, Gayle Regan, Ken King and Liz Griswold.

Zion Care Connection
This ministry's outreach goals are:
1 - to offer prayerful support in times of need through cards, calls and visits
2 - to raise awareness of local services and resources that exist to provide health, education and activities in our community.
The Care Connection provides rides to medical appointments, meals, and help with errands/grocery runs for our members who are ill, recovering from a medical stay or are caregiving and need support,
Contact us at ZionChurchLBI@gmail.com.
This beautiful image was taken by Barbara Annarumma at a Zion Easter Sunrise Service at the lighthouse.
Worship Team
The Worship team includes Brian Griswold - Leader, Earl Hem, Carol Schneider , Wes Barrett, Gayle Regan and Liz Griswold. The WPT is responsible for the planning and execution of our church services. This includes scheduling of interim preachers, song and hymn selection, bulletin preparation, and general tasks required to ensure a successful worship experience for all.

Youth Ministry
The Zion Youth Ministry is managed by Aileen and Rick Reynolds. Sunday School meets weekly during the 10am church worship service. Children participate in the beginning of the worship service and are dismissed to the Fellowship Hall after the Youth Message.
Children are prepared to receive their First Sacrament of Holy Communion in Sunday School for about eight weeks in the spring.
Middle school age children are prepared for their Confirmation/Affirmation of Baptism also during Sunday School classes.
Home Group
“THE CHOSEN” HOME GROUP – meets on Wednesdays @ 7PM, beginning September 2024 in the parsonage living room. This is a time to come together as a community and fellowship, with the goal of getting to know the Lord and each other better through discussion on the newest Jesus video series “The Chosen”. Interested/Questions? Call the church office at 609 494 8676 or email ZionChurchLBI@gmail.com.

Ladies Guild
The Ladies Guild meets the second Monday of each month at 9:30am to share fellowship and refreshments and conduct business. The Guild organized the monthly coffee hour that follows the worship service and conducts the three annual church bazaars.
They also maintain the church Memorial Garden. It supports Lutheran Social Ministries in Camden with Thanksgiving baskets and warm clothes, ELCA World Hunge Relief, Interfaith Support Services, and the Holy Spirit Lutheran Church Food Pantry.

This group includes Wes Barrett - Leader, David Fisk, Jean Birdsall, Duke Duricek, Ray Strotman (and a young member in training!) They are responsible for the operation and maintenance of the Audio /Visual system including video cameras, audio mics and speakers and projector. They also manage the Zion website and social media, and the LIVE streaming of the Zion services through YouTube and Facebook for each weekly service.
Facilities and Safety
This group manages all aspects of our church buildings and that includes our sanctuary, fellowship hall and parsonage - inside and out. Church safety is also a part of this ministry. This team of talented members includes Duke Duricek, Stan Haviland, Bob Birdsall, Ray Strotman, Sal and Barbara Annarumma.